Join the movement! TSQ Tech Transcription Tool is now seeking Creators for beta-testing.

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A New Market Research Agency

The Social Question is leveraging Instagram Influencers for market research. Fueled by the growing need for authentic consumer conversations, we created a research design for clients to collaborate with content creators directly.


Maximizing Instagram’s Engagement:

Making Connections

While Instagram’s algorithm is routinely updated and reprioritized - Stories engagement is consistently included and an easy way for followers to interact. We help strategize how to use these tools and can provide analysis of Q&A Sticker responses.

Audience Surveys for Creators

Many creators regularly survey their followers to better target and develop content, AND pitch brands. However, data is only as good as the quality of questions being asked - we can help write, program, and analyze the results so creators can stay focused on showing up.

Q&A Sticker Boxes

Creators can be overwhelmed with question box responses, ranging from hundreds to thousands of answers in less than 24 hours. TSQ created a transcription tool to export the information and this opens new opportunities for brand collaborations.

Improve Brand Partnerships

Influencer Marketing is a multi-billion dollar industry. The next generation of engagement isn’t going to be just about selling or pushing products, it’s going to impact development and improve offerings and we can help you navigate the new requests to remain authentic.


for more on each service, click below to download a pdf.


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